
Help In The Frey

Help In The Frey


It is my lot within this space to dwell

Shackled here within a rotting shell

Temporarily held within this prison cell

My heart and soul loath this earthly jail


But a pardon has been granted me

And one day, I will finally see

That I am now completely free

No longer under lock and key


So on those days that I’m really sad

When my thoughts try to drive me mad

And the torture of pressure is really bad

To seek relief in the latest fad


I remind myself that it’s a daily grind

And try my best not to lose my mind

But look everywhere for hope to find

That one day soon I’ll leave Hell behind


But for now in this earthly bunk I lay

Mustering the courage to face the day

And hoping to help others on their way

Now once again, Once more into the Frey