

What is a poem, really?

A string of words that tells a story 

Similies and metaphors that are used to paint a point in history 

An outlet for emotions and ideas that can\'t be expressed normally


What is a poem, really?

A structure of statements that doesn\'t have to be structured at all

From haiku to free form the freedom is seemingly endless

A universal form of art that all can use 


What is a poem, really? 

I keep asking, I know it seems silly

But does anyone know, really? 

Because everyone you ask has a different answer 

Everyone you ask has a different outlook

So it must simply be subjective, right? 


Well, if all of that\'s said and all of that\'s true 

Why is it so hard to right one about you? 

I\'m not good with words, as you know,

but usually I can weave them together with somewhat of a flow 

Rhymes and rhythms are inconsistent, but they\'re there

So why can\'t I write about you? 


Maybe its because so words could possibly describe how I feel about you

Words as simple as \"love\" and \"adore\" don\'t even scratch the surface

My own mind can barely compute it,

so how am I supposed to make someone else read it? 


Maybe it\'s because everything I do isn\'t good enough

Half baked stanzas and shitty sequences couldn\'t be sufficent for you

A masterpeice is what you deserve, 

not an attempt that gets a participation sticker


Maybe it\'s because I write when I\'m in pain and I haven\'t felt that in a while

Since I met you loneliness and it\'s torturous friends fade away into the background 

They\'re still there, yes, but not enough to drive me wild


Maybe it\'s because I\'m embarrassed

I want to share my art, but how can I do that if I live in constant fear of rejection?

What if I pour my heart and soul onto a page only for you to shrug and walk away

I don\'t think you would do that but that unwanted fear still lingers


So no, this isn\'t the masterpeice you deserve

Or even a very well thought-out spiel

It doesn\'t express everything I so desperately want to-

but hey, it\'s a start 


It\'s messy and chaotic, like the way I love you

It\'s rather rough around the edges, like me and my dating expertise

It wasn\'t planned, I didn\'t expect it, and I\'m making shit up as I go, like the way I met you


So no, it\'s not good enough and I\'m certainly not proud of it,

but with every word typed I feel a little bt lighter, like I\'ve lit writers block on fire

Maybe one day, you\'ll get the love sonnet that I want you to have more that anything

But for now, I hope this is enough to let you know how much I love you


And hey, it\'s a start