Job Welime

You deserve your own rarity.

I\'m sorry that, it all happened the way it did,
I\'m sorry that, they all ran away each time you mentioned the word commitment,
I\'m sorry that, they\'ll left like you were never a reason for them to stay,
I\'m sorry that, you kept a spot warm in his/her heart warm for someone else,but didn\'t even realize it,at the time,
I\'m sorry that,someone you loved made you think,that it\'s hard to love you,
I\'m sorry that,they made you feel like you\'re wrong to expect the love that respects and values you for the person that you really are,
I\'m sorry that,all the breathtakingly beautiful people you had in your life turned out to be dreadfully disappointing,
I\'m sorry that,they gave you distance when all you needed was love,
I\'m deeply sorry,for what you\'ve had to endure,at the hands of the one\'s you trusted,please don\'t let their darkness dull your shine,
You deserve someone as rare as you are.