Per Mare Per Terras

Nor Began Nor End

I feel sad at the world

To the point of disappointment

Hope is no more but lives in our mind\'s

Humans feed off others demise

With there narcissistic ways

A corrupted system that feeds on false prophets

We are aliens alienated from this world

So how should we stay in touch with reality

When we do not know what true reality is

My God is never ending but never began

For it is the Universe that is my creator

After all is that not what or who we can thank

For the creation of worlds

The life grows dreary when moon light hits the other side

But you can say the say in this day of bright

I wish to live on in other minds

Like great people before my times

But as I wish

My life just seems bleak

Fear my words if you hate what I preach

But fear your mind for not accepting a concept that is mine

Disagree or agree I care not

For we are all one when it comes to sleep

We all bleed red so I see no foe nor friend

I hate and love everyone equally in the end

Look through glass and see your eyes deceive you

For your conscious tends to undermine your true mind

But as I feared no one will truly grow

For there may be no more hope