
Striped Tie.

Into the coffee house he walked,

A man of many years,

Family around him.

Stopped at a table,

Made sure his family were comfortable,

Went off to buy the coffee.

Nothing at all strange about this

But he was dressed so smartly,

Light blue jacket,

Grey trousers,

White shirt

And a pink and grey striped tie.

Such a pleasure to see

A man dressed this way.

It brought me back to my time,

My time many years ago

When I dressed like that,

Dressed like that every day

As I went to work.

Dressed correctly for the occasion,

In a suit, collar and tie,

And of course polished shoes.

It made me think of those passed days

When many dressed so smartly,

Yet it took this one occasion

Seen this day

To take me back

To those wonderful times

When men dressed so smartly.