
Restoring And Reviving

Tune: Merton

(\'Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding\')

(Or: \'Hark, a herald voice is calling\')

Ezekiel 34 v.28-31 {Old Testament}


My people shall no more prey be

To their enemies, for see

I the LORD shall save them, restore

They shall be safe, fear no more


I will raise up for them garden

They shall plant and tend land then

Shall eat produce, and hunger not

Favourable be their lot


Nor shall they be ashamed, but they

Shall know me throughout their days

Shall know that I the LORD God be

With them now and lastingly


Even they, my people Israel

My presence they shall know, tell

And they are my flock, and I your

God keep you in pastures sure