
meshed within the creases, a smile of contentment

meshed within the creases,

a smile of contentment 



The creases on his face, 

showed signs of a thousand suns

The callouses on his palms, 

a thousand moons

His eyes held a thousand stories,

for each time he went to sea


Now, the beached empty hull,

of a weathered boat

Broken mast, torn sail attached,

hanging over the bow

The worn out oars,

and the tethered net,

rusted harpoon, knife blade tied

Strewn about, hooks,

empty cans, labeled baits,

an uncorked pewter flask,

a fishing pole


Ask and one would learn 

He wouldn’t change his life

He wouldn’t give up his memories, 

of each time he came through the storm,

withstood the scorching sun,

and those hard cold dawns.

For meshed within those creases,

a smile of contentment.