
Floccinaucinihilipilification Acrostic.



Feeling decidophobic

Leads to lack of dreams

Oneirophobia becomes the norm

Coaxing lack of euphoria

Coming into your life.

Institutionalised thoughts betray the

Naturalistic way of your thoughts becoming

Atichiphobic so making you fail your

Underlying wisdom that

Cannot now be resurrected from your

Infinitesimally shrunken mind as

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia has overcome you

Irrefutably bringing megolomaniacal

Logophobia into your lack of reading

Into your superficial joyless words.


Is now within you

Leading to the bedridden

Intercolonization now within you

Caught in this Bibliophobia

As you throw out those books

Through the decidophobic way of your life

Into which bogeyphobia

Over comes the good life,

Now floccinaucinihilipilification is you.