Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Try, try, try, try, and try to fly from your repressive society

\"Try, try, try, try, and try to fly from your repressive society.

Try and try, you will be liberated from your repressive ideologies.

Try and try like birds in a cage to attain freedom from your oppressors.

Try and try like a bird in a cage to escape from your sub-human status.

Try and try like a bird in a cage to escape inhuman treatment.

Try, try, try, try, try and try like a bird in a cage to attain your human liberty, dignity, freedom, status and

Caging birds is a crime against humanity.

Casteism, racism, untouchability, genocide, persecution, killing, rape, humiliation, dehumanizing are crimes against humanity\"

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)

Author of \"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship\"

Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India’s Citizenship (English Edition)

Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M5B7XVS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Dalit%2FUntouchable+Anthology&qid=1638451224&sr=8-1)

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M785T3S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=An+intelectual+history+of+anti-caste+philosophers+in+indien%3A+A+study+on+Babasaheb+Dr.B.R.Ambedkar&qid=1638746824&sr=8-1)


Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter, 

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

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