
Notable Need

Tune: Southwell

(\'Lord Jesus, think on me\')

Luke 10 v.38-42


Jesus in a village

Martha did encourage

Him, welcomed Him and disciples

Hospitality calls


And her sister Mary

Did sit and learn, so be

At Jesu\'s feet, His word she heard

Grace to her was conferred


Martha was distracted

And with Jesus she pled

Said, Lord, do you not care, it known

That I do serve alone?


Bid my sister that she

help prepare meals with me

Jesus replied, Martha, Martha

There need not be this stir


You are worried, careful

Troubled, many things call

For your attention, but there one

Thing needful to be done


And Mary has chosen

That good part, it the one

Which shall not be taken away

Form her, there no dismay


Lord, help us though many

Daily matters here be

To take time to your word learn, here

A priority dear