
Where Is God?


Now is the time I give up the fight
And leave it all this lonely night 
Release beliefs that held me tight 
They told me there was a God outside 
I was lost and then I cried
Feeling this depth of separation
I banged on doors and crashed through gates 
Looking for this sacred space
Nothing filled my internal place
I crammed it all with games and hate
Threw it all it cost me great
Here I stood in my ungrace
And felt God\'s absence grate.

All my love I gave to you
Although, it somehow felt untrue
For there was still this separation
I wanted more than anything
Blessings and no more suffering
To feel the loving of support
Not the exhaustion I had fought
For happiness seemed so far away
And fleetingly I always thought
You were the answer to my fraught
Some Days I felt were really good
Other days I faintly stood
Desire being a hopeless intrusion
Reality kept me in this illusion
How could I escape from my confusion
With you beside me in this delusion.

Then I awoke to the sounds of light
It spread within and saved my plight
No more seeking constant delight
Or making you my wrong or right
My love extends to a massive height 
Everyday brings a wondrous sight
Restrictions no longer trap our feet
For what I have found is oh so sweet 
Something greater came from my moans 
And in the corner of the room you groaned
I once stood before you a monotonous tone
Now we are free, I have found the key
For God is not separate like we were taught to believe 
But in the hearts of you and me.