


The hearth last night laid so bare,

the flames could not stay it’s shiver,

then I looked at the calendar there,

thus, I asked the décor to come hither,

to the thing that’s been my friend,

I shall let no warmth be missed,

a toast, let their happiness never end,

as I start with my tinselitis!


The walls stated their plain sorrow,

as their colours seemed so drained,

let there be no tears for tomorrow,

for now, there are like glass-stained,

windows, I will get to you next,

like the hearth and walls, you’ll glitz,

brocaded with reams of joyous text,

as I continue with tinselitis!


That corner wept with silent mood,

it’s tears said, fill me with Fir,

I did as I was told, it’s smile renewed,

thus, it sings brightly, a happy purr,

as does the sideboard, and passageway,

they sparkle with a festive kiss,

showing a fantastic looking display,

because of continued tinselitis!


The last to call upon it’s change,

is the trusted dinner table,

it’s yearning will soon be re-arranged,

to look like a Bethlehemian stable,

but for now, let me help the pantry,

with those meats, sweets, and fizz,

then I’ll aid you to roar so grandly,

when I complete my tinselitis!