Job Welime

The girl in my dream.

This girl I saw her in my dreams,
I can recall,she had a hairdo of elegance,
She had a language of her own,and her own way of loving too,
The first time we said hello,it felt as though,her eyes could touch the scars that I\'ve been hiding for so long,it felt as though she was caressing the flaws that I\'ve hidden for so long,it felt like we\'ve had alot of years to this bond,
Her smile could mend my broken heart and with one glance at her,I was able to gain my sanity,
Each moment I was standing next to her my lips caught words,that no poet has ever written,in my silence my heart changed rhythm for her,
When I saw her in my heart I felt something close to paradise,she didn\'t strike me as conversational but when her beauty stroke me my mind went into conversations,
I\'m still looking for words that will paint this moment into a portrait.