

Make way for me oh dear soil 

I am rushing forward towards you 

I\'ll be in need of your service soon

Don\'t make me rush and don\'t hold me back

Everything is on schedule so no need to force

I have no idea when I\'ll be ready 

But I know that I will

No money or trinkets will I bring with me 

No desire will be left unfulfilled and no sight left unseen

Time keeps moving forward as does my conscience

There will be plenty in need of your service before I arrive

So hold up no others nor speed them ahead 

Enjoy the roots of the trees scratching your surface

Take pleasure in the sea and it\'s depths

Take pride in the mountains and their glory

Enjoy the company of the animals that inhabit your woods

Love the warmth of the sun that rises from the east of your horizon as it sleeps in the west

Contemplate the neighboring moon and all the stars

You can feel me walking on your surface for now

As I will lay forever down in the soil below