
Reborn from the Darkness



I let out a sigh but not one meant for frustration,

More like the one when your landing home from vacation. 

Looking back two years prior

When my only concern was to get higher. 


That darkness creeps over me like fallen smoke,

Stealing my breath and I choke. 

From memory of the sickness that once consumed me 

Maintaining how grateful and fortunate that I am now free. 


With demons gone, those that I abhor 

Pure bliss, laughter and love radiates through my core

I can give my children the life they deserve 

These new memories I can now preserve.

If and when those temptations arise 

Fleetingly come and go but will not be my demise! 


Let my strength and faith shine hope for others still in a dark abyss

There is a way out and you can overcome this!

With enthusiasm to live and a hand reaching out 

There is no blackness that you can not surmount!