


As I lay in bed nice and warm just like the moth in his cocoon under the bright moonlight


You come and speak to me sometimes barley a whisper, but your words are soothing and make me feel good and right


Then other nights when you are there and I hear your almighty roar, like you are angry but still your words are comforting


Like most people all my life I’ve listened to you, but no matter how hard we all try, you hide yourself and so we never get to see who does our consoling


In the day time you still give us your wisdom, but rarely do we take the time to listen as we live our modern lives at break neck speed


Why can’t we go back in time when life was more simple, instead of this rushing around and always needing to do another deed


Peace, understanding, tranquillity and love is what we need to help rid our minds of what we now know is life’s modern day disease


As each and every one of us constantly battles with life’s challenges, bogging us down because there is always something or somebody we need to appease


I dream of the desert island on my own, living each and every day in tranquillity, the faint rustling of leaves and gentle lapping of the waves the only sound


Looking over the horizon what I left behind now no longer visible, but in my heart I know where I am is where I should be, but also sad when at times you are not around


Sometimes you blow hot sometimes cold, depends on the time of year, but one thing is for certain you will never leave me


I will leave you first but when I do I have the comfort in knowing that you will still be here and helping to guide along all members of my family tree


Thank you for always being there comforting and helping each and every one of us as we live our lives, even those who along the way have sinned


My dear friend the Wind