Kurt Philip Behm

\"My God\" (+1)

Why does your religion

have to disfavor mine

To speak to its converts

and prattle Divine


Foundations this slanted

are poised for a fall

Appeasing their zealots

who follow and maul


More killed by religion

in His holy name

Than famine and pestilence

ever can claim


The tenets left foreign

to God’s true intent

Epiphanies barren

—all grace to relent


(Villanova University: December, 2021)



Breaking Free


I’m not asking for approval,

that belongs to time

The spoken words I cherish most,

to you seem out of rhyme

I’m not asking for acceptance,

my muse rejects your praise

In darker moments light is found

—your comments weakly phrased


(The New Room: December, 2021)