Audrey Cocker

Five Friends

Five Friends


Five friends in a jubilant mood,

On threshold of new beginning,

Dreams in their sparkling eyes,

Hope in their young hearts

To accomplish their child hood goals.


One friend became a famous writer,

Another friend acclaimed singer,

Third friend a dedicated doctor,

Fourth friend served the needy,

Fifth friend happy-go- lucky.


Decided to be free as a bird,

With bottle in one hand,

Cigarette dangling from lips,

Visiting unsavoury places, deaf

To all well wishers pleas.


Tottering  at the age of twenty-two,

Looking like a old man of eighty-two,

Wobbling with unsure steps,

 Seeking  solace some comfort ,

Wanting help from friends,


Four friends  came forward with

With outstretched hands for support,

To pick up their fallen friend,

Hand in hand with love,

He was now in right track.


Five friends were in jubilant mood,

To celebrate new lease in life,

They took a firm pledge,

To warn youngsters that drugs,

Are way to dark hell.


Cigarettes are deadly cancer sticks,

Drinks are  poisonous snakes,

Leading to early death and grave,

Crushing dreams of youth,

Stagnating development of youth.


Five friends went out of way,

To help others in trouble,

They built rehabilitation centres,

For recuperation of needy,

To bring them back to life,


Five friends spread messages of

Self-control,determination to ,

Say no to drugs drinks,

To know that God created,

Them for greater things in life.




Composed by

Audrey Cocker