Doggerel Dave

Fried Mouse.

Fried Mouse:

This recipe is delicious with a can of warm beer -

And don’t forget you obtained this culinary secret here.




My mouse, in intimate relationship with my PC

Carked it; emails were inaccessible without this key;

The whole Net was unavailable, much to my distress.

What is to be done?, I asked myself - right then naught, unless…..


I rummaged through all the remnants in my ‘puter spares box;

Most of the stuff there was about as useful as old rocks.

Eventually I found an old mouse which worked as if drunk;

The wheel no longer functioned, a click was more of a clunk.


Managed to propel the pointer but not without some strain;

I wanted to do something before this happened again,

So a smart mouse was ordered pronto, (had extra switches)

Then a search for a fallback to avoid further glitches. 


But when I accessed the net to seek other solutions

(Just for emergency use when no mouse contributions)

It soon became evident it was not worth the struggle;

Keyboard shortcuts are cumbersome and not worth the trouble.


Although this has been difficult, I found the best option,

Which is just brilliant - congruent with the situation:

Now this is the solution you\'ve been so long waiting for –

Keep a fully functioning spare mouse in a nearby drawer….
