Audrey Cocker

Sunrise and Sunset

Sunrise and Sunset.


Beautiful creation of Almighty God

Of “Celestial World” of Sun, Moon,

Stars for us, people on earth

Created in His Own Image And likeness .


Sheen of the rising Sun,

Wipes out the darkness of Night,

Brings in ray of hope,

Of Jesus Christ’s Unlimited blessings.


Orangish “glow” of setting Sun,

Brings in message of peace, harmony ,

From God to His people,

To rest in peaceful sleep.


Sunrise  infuses courage and determination,

To overcome  difficulties, face challenges,

To explore new horizons,

To venture into unknown territories.


Sunset reflects the glow of,

Shining stars across the blue sky,

The Moon watches over us,

As we go off to sleep.


Nature blooms in all its glory,

Chirping of birds from the trees,

Dancing of flowers in the,

Light of the rising Sun,


The day comes to an end,

To rest to tired souls and mind,

To give us assurance that,

God is with all of us.


Sunrise is the love of God,

Sunset is compassion of God ,

Both pave way for unlimited,

 Miracles, blessings from God.



Composed by

Audrey Cocker