

it is not because I am the best guy on the planet

neither am I smarter 

handsome hot men are all around the world

but she gave me her much sought-after heart

all because it is necessary.


it\'s only in a dream that I yelled, \"father\"

and got the response

didn\'t I deserve to be fathered just like other kids?

but for me to learn life the harder way by myself

it was and is necessary


sharing means not we have a lot

even to shout on top of our voices

to stand up for those who can\'t stand

to say, \"come and stay for the night\" to a stranger

it is necessary


think not that I\'m a fool

if I forgive you for every humiliation

when you slap me on one cheek and I give the other too

but to keep the wheel of peace rolling amongst humanity

it is necessary


do the continental boundaries matter to mankind?

black or white, does that make any difference?

how wonderful is the distribution of skin complexion

on basis of climate that the world be filled with humans

that should be necessary


ooh God, I wish I could die ? was her prayer

she knew not the taste of joy anymore, marriage can be sour

he even left for good, after using her

what an amazing way of creating strength in a woman was it

all was necessary, and forever shall be


why are you hammering like a bass chorister?

can\'t you look beyond

and see what\'s there for you?

can\'t you keep holding on what you hope for

until you perceive the necessity.