Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

In the Name of \"Ambedkar\"

In the Name of \"Ambedkar\"

In the Name of \"Educate, Agitate, Organize\"

In the Name of \"Neo-Buddhism\"

In the Name of \"Babasaheb\"

In the Name of \"Jai Bheem\"

We Mahars are Malas.

We, Malas, are Mahars.

We are Ambedkarites.

We are representatives of the Untouchables.

We grab every benefit in the name of Ambedkar.

We are part of a deep-rooted corruption.

We are part of a deep-rooted academic fraud.

We are part of a deep-rooted unethical character.

But we are Ambedkarites.

We used Ambedkar and Dalits to become university teachers.

We used Ambedkar and Dalits to become politicians.

We used Ambedkar and the Dalits to obtain Ph.D.s.

We used Ambedkar to publish our plagiarized and stolen articles in the Economic & Political Weekly (EPW).

We used Ambedkar to publish our stolen and plagiarized articles in Oxford University Press (OUP)

We invite every Hindu to be part of our corruption.

We demoralize every radical social thinker.

We will character assassinate every anti-corruption activist.

We use caste and untouchability to conceal our deep-seated corruption, academic fraud, cheating, and power abuse.

We use Ambedkar for everything for material benefits.

We the Mahars and Malas are known for our well-established academic fraud.

But we are Ambedkarites.

We are Dalit representatives.

We never touch a book.

But we are awarding Ph. Ds and becoming university faculties.

We are becoming professors. Deans, Vice-Chancellors

Finally, the University Grand Commission Chairman

Like any other Hindu,

Just like Gandhians

For example, see RSS Ideologues.

For Marxists, for example,

Similarly, feminists

Just like postmodernists

Like any other Reddy,

The same as any other Kamma

Just like any Brahmin,

Similarly to any other Komata

Just like any other Muslim,

We are competing in the arena of corruption.

Our only limit is the sky.

We are a well-established academic mafia.

We know how to project our Ambedkarites as scholars, intellectuals, writers, and poets globally.

Not all Ambedakrites are intellectuals and scholars.

But they should be Mahars or Malas by caste.

Chamar Ambedakrites can’t be scholars or intellectuals.

Madiga Ambedakrites can’t be scholars or intellectuals.

Ambedkarite should be Mahar or Mala.

We, the Mahars and Malas, are a well-known academic mafia.

Our Mahar Ambedkar refused Gandhi\'s offer to represent the untouchables.

Our Mahars were educated by Ambedkar.

Our Ambedkar was agitated with our Mahars.

Our Ambedkar organized meetings with our Mahars.

According to Ambedkar, non-Mahar Untouchables are sub-humans.

Our Ambedkar applied morality in rejecting Gandhi’s representation of untouchables.

In representing the entire untouchables, Ambedkar never followed morality.

History says he worked for, and with, his Mahars.

His entire movements are filled with Mahars/Malas.

He died, along with his Hinduism.

The mainstream media and the Indian State-sponsored Ambedkar as the sole representative of the Untouchables

Despite that, non-Mahar Untouchables never accepted him.

Just like his rejection of Gandhi,

Just like the Untouchables never accepted Gandhi as their representative,

Under the guise of \"Neo-Buddhism,\"

The Indian State-sponsored Ambedkar as a sole representative of the Untouchables for his neo-Buddhism.

Neo-Buddhism is nothing but Hinduism.

Buddhism is a child of Hinduism.

Indeed, Ambedkar is a hard-core Hindu.

Like any other Hindu,

We Mahars became his representatives. \"

We grabbed the Dalit identity.

We controlled the mainstream media.

We controlled the Indian State.

We controlled reservations.

We controlled and appointed our Mahars and Malas everywhere.

\"Dalit identity is nothing but an Ambedkarite identity.\"

A Dalit is not a Mahar.

But Dalits are composed of thousands of untouchable castes.

Non-Mahars are raising objections against Mahars for their representation.

But Mahars and Malas are deep-rooted, just like Hinduism.

They plotted to eliminate progressive minds in the name of anti-Dalit.

Anti-Dalit is nothing but anti-Ambedkar.

They sandwiched Dalits and Ambedkar.

They sandwiched Ambedkar in between Dalits.

However, a Dalit is not an Ambedkar.

Ambedkar is a person.

He might be God for Mahars and Malas.

Madigas identity is John Rawls.

Mahars have millions of gods and goddesses.

Malas has millions.

We rejected their hero-worship.

Hero-worship is dangerous to any progressive mind.

It collapses critical thinking, scientific outlook, and rationality.

Ambedkar attained modernity through his studies at Colombia University and the London School of Economics.

But Ambedkar started lying to his mahars, claiming he gained knowledge from Buddha.

We radical thinkers started revealing Ambedkar\'s lies as the truth.

We radical-social thinkers started questioning Ambedkar: how come a uneducated, illiterate, feudal, Hindu, upholder of caste hierarchies, unscientific, violent, heinous, prostitute, killer Buddha produced the finest human rights philosophy?

Ambedkar began by lying.

He thought we were his Mahar/Mala fools.

We are not

We are creative, radical-social thinkers.

We are humans.

We are not goats and sheep.

We are not corrupted.

We are not materialists.

You can check the background of every Ambedkarite.

They are central university faculties now.

They can’t write a leave letter in English.

They do, however, have articles published in EPW and OUP.


They were aware of the truth.

We were aware of the truth.

When we reveal their academic fraud,

They call us anti-Dalits.

Or anti-Ambedkar

Just like they projected Professor Ashish Nandi as an anti-Dalit for speaking against their academic fraud and corruption

Every Ambedakrite\'s favorite phrase is \"every Hindu does, so we do.\"

Academic fraud is not corruption for them.

But it is a crime for me.

A crime against humanity

It is against morality.

You hate books, but you want to become a university teacher.

The university is known for producing knowledge.

Let knowledge centers grow.

Do not pluck them.

Do not destroy knowledge production.

We want theorists like Gopal Gurus.

We don’t need your corrupted Ambedkarites.

We need theorists like Anand Teltumbde.

We want to produce Slavoj Zizeks, Michacel, John Rawls, Gramscis, Althesirs from the Untouchable caste.

We should produce world-class theorists and philosophers.

But how come we produce when you are a mafia?

You are using the \"Dalit card/Ambedkar card\" for your inadequate academic scholarship.

You are hiding your corruption and fraud in the name of Ambedkar, Dalit, caste, or untouchability.

Let knowledge centers flow like children.

They need oxygen.

You are Corban Dyioxied.

You are eliminating brilliant brains from your caste.

Untouchables with university degrees are notorious for deep-seated academic fraud and corruption.

If people like Rohit Vemula commit suicide,

Thousands of Mahars and Malas would become Ph.D. holders and university professors overnight.Politicians, writers, poets, etc.

They already have a few Brahmin teachers\' support.

Everyone knows how Susie Tharu is projecting Mala as an Ambedakrite-Marxist scholar from EFLU.

Everyone knows how Hara Gopal is projecting Malas as an Ambedakrite scholar from the University of Hyderabad.

Everyone knows how Lalitha and Susie Tharu portrayed Kuruma as a Shudra scholar from Osmania University.

It\'s hilarious that these Malas have never touched a book in their lives but are published in EPW and OUP.

Yes, certainly, Ambedkar is your Godfather.

\"Godfather\" is a negative word for the crime.

We started thinking Ambedkar might have committed corruption by observing his followers.

Everyone knows Gandhi is the most corrupted Indian.

But we started analyzing Ambedakr’s political opportunities after observing his followers now.

The Madigas are Christians in south India.

Malas are Hindus in south India.

Mahars are Hindus and Buddhists in India.

Mahars started projecting every Christian Dalit as anti-Ambedkar.

We started projecting every Madiga as anti-Dalit or Ambedkar.

We are all doing their well-established corruption in the name of \"Educate, Agitate, and Organize.\"

We used Gail Omvedt, Eleanor Zelliot, Dirks, Gopal Guru, Aloysious, Christopher Jaffarphat, and Sharmila Rege for our benefits.

We used Colombia University Scholarships.

We used Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships.

We used ICSSR fellowships.

We used UGC.

We used ICSSR.

Like any other Hindu,

We used them corruptibly.

But we talk about equality, liberty, caste, untouchability, rape, democracy,

Oppression, suppression, agitation, media

We have to use them because we hate book reading.

We have no time.

We live on campus freely.

We beat progressive, scientific, individuals.

We will never buy a book but job, gold, land, house

But never touch a book.

But we are publishing dozens of books.

We are not even leaving EPW and OPU.

Our deep-rooted academic fraud has no limit.

We scared them with our anti-caste movements.

Indeed, we want caste and untouchability for survival politics.

We don’t have any individual talents.

But it\'s all group politics.

Gang culture

Caste mafia

We victimized many radical social thinkers with our mafia.

We are professors at JNU, Delhi University, HCU, and every central and state university.

We are Ambedkarites.

We are Mahars.

We are Malas.

Yes, we have to \"Educate, Agitate, and Organize for corruption.\"

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)

Author of \"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship\" 


Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M5B7XVS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Dalit%2FUntouchable+Anthology&qid=1638451224&sr=8-1)

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M785T3S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=An+intelectual+history+of+anti-caste+philosophers+in+indien%3A+A+study+on+Babasaheb+Dr.B.R.Ambedkar&qid=1638746824&sr=8-1)

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side 

Blog: DALIT ACADEMIC MAFIA (https://dalitacademicmafia.blogspot.com)

Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter, 

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

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