
Quirky suave Unitarian

After most recent shower,

and particularly washing hair

(then shaking head

analogous to sopping wet dog

drying her/himself after a bath),

I immediately said helloo

to Long lasting fragrance Suave

essentials Daily Clarifying

Deep cleansing Shampoo,

which permeated mine scalp

facilitating healthy follicles.


More so frothy lather upon noggin

after getting rinsed out

yielded bounteous, luscious, luxurious,

and marvelous full bodied tresses

reminiscent when yours truly an adolescent,

a veritable long haired pencil necked geek

whose hirsute trademark

still characterizes atypical sexagenarian

above mentioned characteristic

still (after scores of years)

emblematic of this enigmatic poetaster.


Ever since being in utero

soon after seminal fusion

insync with fallopian tube bearing ova
begot zygote courtesy said gametes,

and engendered silent boom
after piercing zona pellucida
creating microscopic flume,
nevertheless collection of cells

coalescing into embryo
eventually manifesting into yours truly,


I painstakingly took minuscule

comb and brush to groom,
and dreaded most fearfully being locked,

where pair of outsize scissors did loom

threatening to cut thick,

what could best be envisioned analogous

to imperceptible fancy plume

hich features specific feature

drew medical community

(i.e. namely human reproductive specialists)


constituted extensive expanse

within blastocyst very limited room
crowd sourcing out rivaling curious onlookers

formerly geared up

to espy King Tutankhamun\'s tomb

can you dear reader believe

a hairy globule within the womb

became global attraction

viz - of a young fecund Harriet Harris,

cuz about nine months later

out the birth canal I did zoom.