
Praise Professings

Tune: Forest Green

(\'I sing the mighty power of God\')

Psalm 118 v.25-29


This is the day the Lord had made

Has ordered and displayed

We will rejoice in it, be glad

Not staying always sad

Save now I beseech, O Lord

And help us by your word

I pray, send us prosperity

That we your good works see


Blessed be they that come in the name

Of the Lord, with no blame

We have blessed you, and this be how

Blessed you from His house now

The house of the Lord, His people

He does there with then dwell

God is the Lord, has shown us light

We worship in His sight


Let us bring Him gifts, praises true

And thankfulness renew

Ready to sacrifices make

Self deny for His sake

You are my God, I will you praise

Will exalt you, up raise

Thanks to the Lord, for He good be

His mercy lasting, see