I read today
That birds divorce
It\'s getting worse
For the albatross
The climate\'s changed
It\'s now a mess
Poor albatross
Life\'s so much stress
Poor albatross
The food chain\'s gone
He tried so hard
But his family\'s torn
The oceans are warmer
There\'s lack of food
Breeding is difficult
It\'s not looking good
When it\'s very hot
People do get angry
Birds too get mad
No more monogamy
So I must be kind
It\'s not too absurd
To think this happened
To my Noisy Bird?
Note: A study on more than 15,000 albatrosses (well known monogamous lifestyle) in the Falkland Islands noted that the divorce rate was higher in recent years when the ocean was warmer, highlighting the influence of global warming. (This led to stress as nutrient supply dropped, birds having to travel further to forage for food, breeding issues etc). New pairs were formed particularly at the initiative mainly of FEMALES who find it easier to find a partner.