Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Kathi Mahesh, the Radical Social Thinker

Kathi Mahesh the organic intellectual

Kathi Mahesh the Democratic Voice

They are scared of your brain power.

They are scared of your analysis of democracy.

They are scared of your intellectual yearnings.

They are scared of your finest academic scholarship on democracy, nationalism, and jingoism.

Even though you are not an academic,

They are scared of your great power of analysis of constitutional morality.

They are scared of your John Rawlsian brain.

They are scared of another Michael Foucault in you.

They are scared of another Antonia Gramsci in you.

Are they scared of your althusier talks?

They are scared of your Slavoj Zizekian critical thinking.

They are scared of your radical-social-critical philosophy.

You are fighting against an inhuman Hindu ideology.

You are fighting against the inhuman Kapu ideology.

You are fighting against an inhuman Brahmanical ideology.

You are fighting against the inhuman Pawan Kalyan ideology.

You are fighting against an inhuman but uneducated Kapu ideology.

You are fighting against an inhuman but undemocratic Hindutva ideology.

You are fighting against an inhuman Indian ideology.

You are opposing inhuman Indian repressive casteist ideology.

You are branded as anti-national.

You are branded as anti-Hindutva.

 You are branded as anti-Indian.

You are branded as anti-caste.

You are branded as anti-religion.

Even so-called theorists can’t elaborate on democracy or constitutional morality like you.

Yours is the finest brain India has ever produced.

But they hunted you down to kill you.

The Indian state never protected you.

Indian judiciary never protected you

The Indian police never protected you.

Indian systems never protected you

Because you are fighting against them

Indian Scholars, critics, writers, nobel laureates, Bharatha Ratnas, Ambedkarites, Dalits, Marxists, Postmodernists, feminists, liberals, neo-liberals,Democrats, Dalitbahujans everyone is silence

Because they know you are talking about them too

You are alone in the battle field without a shield.

Of course, you never think of shield

You are very well. They are going to kill you.

They suppressed your democratic voice

They buried your voice just like they did to Gramsci.

You are Indian Gramsci

You are Indian John Rawls

How much did John Rawls suffer in his native western country?

We knew of his childhood suffering.

We knew why he wrote \"A Theory of Justice\" from his lived experience

We know why Michael Foucault is so powerful critical thinker

We knew why Althusier is so powerful critical thinker

We know why Noam Chomski is such a powerful critical thinker.

We knew why Kathi Mahesh is so powerful critical thinker

Because you all belong to the same branch of the same tree

A tree of radical ideology, a brave thinking power opposing feudalism 

You were all oppressed by existing social orders.

You were all persecuted by the powerful general population.

You are all imprisoned by cruel society.

You were all victims of age-old theories and praxis.

In your case, even so-called resistance theories become part of antagonistic theories.

Because they know we are touching on their everyday oppressive lives.

They killed you, but the world is silent.

You are not merely a man like Pawan Kalyan, Chiranjeevi, Nagababu, or any other Hindu.

You are blessed with the finest brain.

India never produced a beautiful mind like you.

Your scathing attack on Hinduism and Islam is amazing.

I have never seen a speech like yours from CSDS, CSSS, CSCS, or JNU scholars.

You are a beautiful mind without any university positions.

You are a revolutionary radical-social critic without an academic degree.

When will India produce another Kathi Mahesh with the best brain?

Your analyzing abilities shocked my critical mind.

Immediately, I became your follower and started reading your radical mind.

I am your fellow traveler.

The Indian state and its Hindutva ideologies may have forced you to leave its muddy Hindu land.

But they can’t kill our spirit.

We are one in a billion.

Our voice never dies.

We are historical, like Socratis.

They are human eaters.

I felt bad for your loss.

Democracy lost a true voice.

You are not a pseudo voice like Millions of Ambedkarites, Marxists, feminists, liberals, etc.

You are a true hero of freedom of expression and democracy.

You want to liberate the Indian psyche with your powerful knowledge.

But how can every Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, Mala, and Mahar allow you to live life in Indian society?

You are a threat to their \"live and let live\" philosophy.

You are threatened by their brutal voices.

You are a threat to their deep-rooted corruption.

You are the threat to their fraud.

You are a threat to their brutal manipulations.

You are a threat to their scams.

You are a threat to their brutal lies.

They are not John Rawls \"Good People\" like you.

They are not Michael Faucault’s \"Good People\" like you.

They are not Antonia Gramscian \"Good People\" like you.

They are not Noam Chomski’s \"Good People\" like you.

They are not all \"good people\" like you.

They are not Slavoj zizeks, \"Good People\" like you.

They are opportunists

They are power mongers.

They are careerists.

They are frauds.

They are dirty

They are killers

They are criminals

How did you think they wouldn’t harm you?

You knew your life is in danger

You faced death.

You are in history.

You will be in history.

Similarly to murderers

They terminated a true hero of democracy

Democracy lost its voice in feudal Hindu society

In modern times, democracy has lost its voice in an ancient Hindu society.

We both know that India is still living in an ancient age in our modern period.

India is a savage nation with its nation of idiots

Yes, it is a nation of humans.

Humans does not show mercy on radical thinkers

You are my Socrates.

You are my Gramscian

You are my John Rawls.

You are my Michal Foucault

I lost a good friend

A Friend of Truth

You are the truth.

They are the killers.

Killers of truth

Truth is eliminated from the earth.

Violence is celebrated.

Ambedkarites, Marxists, and liberals are celebrating your death.

They are scared of your powerful voice.

They might have made it a national issue, but unfortunately,

You are not their Mahar or Mala

After all, you are Madiga the Untouchable.

You can’t be an Ambedkatite intellectual

Because you are not a pseudo Mala or Mahar intellectual with “Jai Bheem” slogan

Indian critical thinking lost an icon of radical social thinking

Sleep tightly, my friend.

Rest in peace

I hope Jesus might have invited you into His Kingdom.

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)

Author of \"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship\" 


Author of  “Dalit/Untouchable Anthology: Untouchable Lived Experiences” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M5B7XVS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Dalit%2FUntouchable+Anthology&qid=1638451224&sr=8-1)

Author of “An Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar” (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Suryaraju-Mattimalla/dp/B09M785T3S/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=An+intelectual+history+of+anti-caste+philosophers+in+indien%3A+A+study+on+Babasaheb+Dr.B.R.Ambedkar&qid=1638746824&sr=8-1)

Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side 

Blog: DALIT ACADEMIC MAFIA (https://dalitacademicmafia.blogspot.com)

Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter, 

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