

Lord, am I worthy?

To my wife...my children?

My friends who believe?

To the ones that come to me for comfort, relief?

Or is my worthiness my own selfish pride?

For am I not seeking the admiration of others?

For I am worthy only by you.

Can I ever be humbled enough to ever even believe I could?

To be, I must release myself and all that I once believed defined a man of worthiness.

For I was lost with a heart forever closed.

Worthiness could never be...

Yet the truth could enter me?

May I now be worthy?

I\'ll wait for you to answer me...

While I wait, I will cease to talk about if I am worthy and simply begin to act like I am. 

For worthiness will come as all that keeps it hidden, is released.

My ability to be the constant opposite of what it should and could be.