Job Welime

What I want you to know,,

I\'m not telling you \'I Love you\' just so that I can I hear it back,
I just want to make sure that you know of how much you mean to me,
I also want you to know that you\'re so sweet,when you\'re around I don\'t need any sugar for my tea,
I want you to know that I\'ve always wanted to hug you so tight until we trick the universe into lasting us a forever,
I want you to know that I\'m not in a relationship with you but I\'m in love with you in a way that I can\'t unlove,
I want you to know that eachtime I look at you I see a home and each place I\'ve ever wanted to go,
I want you to know that you\'re the current that I was praying for previously in my conversations with God,
By and large I want you to know that,the most important thing for me, is to give you laughter and a taste of paradise in each day of our lives,not because I\'m supposed to,but because anything less than that feels like hell on earth.