Rekha Navneet

Unlearn, Relearn and Realise

Unlearn, Relearn and Realize
Hope we have unlearnt…
To meddle with the nature and the biotic
And unlearnt…
sustaining environment only with a rhetoric
Hope we have unlearnt…
The dominance of professional domain over personal space
And also unlearnt…
The Preference of the virtual to the inter-personal
Also unlearnt…
The dominance of the reel over the real
Hope we have unlearnt…
That the pernicious and the vicious
Can subvert the innocuous and the virtuous
Hope we have re-learnt…
That Life throws challenges like the Pandemics
And makes us unlearn, re-learn and realize…
That Cheating and vile
don’t really make for a meaningful life
Hope we have re-learnt…
the modes of living healthy and wise
co-relate with thinking right and feeling fine
Hope we have realized…
That even phases of lockdowns and quarantine
can be the enablers to gain
an insight into learning, un-learning and re-learning

 -Rekha Navneet