

Looking through the window
feeling the wind, looking at the sunset
searching for something
listening to BTS out loud
dreaming about that day
that freaking day
the day i realized i just couldn\'t let it go
leaving school, our eyes crossed
my world just shacked
i felt the butterflies, but did you felt it too?
or it was just me?
time stopped. it was just us.
lost in the middle of nowhere.
I flied away years ago
you were still there...
we always went back and forth
And in that day i knew,
i knew that you were everything that i ever wanted.
But you had already flied away
my wings were tied and i couldn\'t freed them
you were in another flower
and i was just a little butterfly in a garden full of flowers.

It was when i decided that i needed to fly away
and never come back to that garden.