
My Battle Cry

I was alone, adrift on the ocean

Lost in a sea of emotion

I was beaten to the ground

Curled up trying not to make a sound

I was called an array of nasty names

Igniting suicidal flames

I was put down, so I tried not to be seen

Be in the background, not part of the scene

I was trapped in a cage of fear

But I did not shed a single tear

I was pressured into taking drugs

No comforting words or hugs

I was unaware of the trauma messing with my head

The inner demon I unknowingly feed

I was wondering through a catacomb

Death at school and death at home

I was not willing to be something I\'m not

My inner pain I chose to ignore but it fought

I was forced to feel and acknowledge its existence

And with its persistence

I chose to fight back

With a full on attack

I was completely numb

But then to a sudden rage I did succumb

Was it there all along?

Silently growing more and more strong?

I was insecure and weak

Their approval I would seek

Putting my needs on a shelf

I was not my true self

My self-esteem did lower and worsen

Till I was a shell of a person

But no longer will I be silent

Let the sea anger and become violent

I will not go quietly into the night

In darkness I shall be the light

From my prisoner cage I shall break free

Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee

Though I fear and my heart may race

I persevere with a brave face

Try to push me down, I will fly higher

And I will walk through fire

I will be what I desire

My inner flame shall never expire

No matter the struggle I will go on

This ugly duckling will become a swan

For I am a lioness, hear me roar

They want a brawl; I shall bring them a war.