Cheyenne Smith

The Powerful Hypernova

The love we share for each other is deeper than the inmost depths of earth’s oceans

If you were to count the amount of admiration I have for you then your best bet would be to count every single moon and star in our radiant and extensive galaxy… known as the milky way

We compromise to understand and show extra dedication; which always fixes our disconsolate emotions

We fight through obstacles each and everyday in order to walk down the best pathway.

Our bond is as strong as our beautiful planets gravitational pull

Hypernova’s are a product of our powerful passion subsequently creating a Hypernova from the immense intoxication

I love you more than words could begin to explain, I just want you to know that you make my life complete and full

The dazzling rays from each beam of sun represent the glistening glow in my eyes whilst my face lights up bringing a bright and elegant illumination

I felt something was missing from me before you arrived which was making life incredibly dull

My love for you increases day by day which later develops to a form of inflation