


David Grigorian


I was naive and gullible,

To ever dare to believe,

I achieved you affection,

I was naive to perceive,

Your casual hugs,

When you touched my arm,

As something more,

Much more.


It was just platonic cold behavior,

I was deceived to think I meant something to you,

I misconceived your kindness, attentiveness, and tenderness,

I was naive to believe you meant it,

I was just a disposable nobody,

However, it was too late,

I was already emotionally attached to you.


I was blinded by my naivete ,

I should have known better,

All the signs were there,

That I was nothing to you,

I felt like such a child,

My gullible innocent heart,

Was torn, shredded, and crushed,

I grieved with downpour of tears.


I disbelieved by what had transpired,

You weren\'t the same person when I first met you,

I perceived you as heartless, stone cold machinery,

Of course you didn\'t care one  bit,

That I spent my days weeping and hurting for you,

I proceeded to avoid you,

So I never heard or seen you again.


I was naive to believe,

It was my naiveness that dared me to think you could ever love me

I grossly misconceived you,

But I was convinced of one thing,

I will spend the rest of my life feeling unloved,

Knowing you reassured me,

That I\'m an abomination.