Audrey Cocker

Unlimited Blessings of God

Unlimited blessings of God.


Christmas, celebration of the birthday of,

Of our loving Saviour Jesus Christ,

Proclamation of love, peace, happiness,

From our Heavenly Father to us.


Ending of 31st December 2021will usher in,

A new start to the coming year 2022,

To face unknown  challenges of every day life,

To venture into undiscovered territories.


I pray for unlimited blessings of Jesus Christ,

Overflow into every one’s life,

Of  miracles, harmony, success achievements,

Free from virus of any kind.


Oh,! Jesus touch the hearts of people around,

With your healing blessings,

Let your fragrance of divine love,

Remove sickness of any kind.



Composed by

Audrey Cocker