
Benedictus Bestowal

Tune: Yorkshire

(\'Christians awake, salute the happy morn\')

Luke 1 v.67-80


Zacharias, John Baptist\'s father he

At his son\'s birth he did prophesy, see

Was filled with the Holy Spirit, and said

Blessed be the Lord God, He has visited

And redeemed His people, and for us raised

Up strength of salvation, His name be praised


\'Tis in the house of His servant David

As he spake by holy prophets, not hid

These prophets have been since the world began

Now good tidings as Christ becomes human

Prophets said we should from our enemies

Be saved, from all that hate us, Christ us frees


The Lord God, He shall perform the mercy

Promised to forefathers, and to us, see

And remember His holy covenant

In this day and age He has Christ us sent

And recalls the oath to Abraham made

It now revealed, its fulfilment displayed


That He would grant unto us, that we be

Delivered from enemy\'s hand, set free

And so might serve Him without fear or dread

Our Lord God, He be e\'er our living Head

Serving in holiness and righteousness

Before Him all our days, He shall us bless


And you, child, John, shall be called the prophet

Of the Lord, the prophet of the Highest

For you shall go before His face, prepare

His ways, knowledge of His salvation share

Unto His people, it by remission

Of their sins, forgiveness unto each one


This be through our God\'s tender mercies borne

To us, whereby the Dayspring now does dawn

For Christ the Messiah shall come, \'tis sure

To visit, abide with us evermore

To give light to them that sit in darkness

And in the shadow of death and oppressed


He shall guide our feet into way of peace

His kingdom shall come and shall ne\'er decrease

John Baptist grew, in spirit became strong

Was in deserts until time yearned so long

That He would preach the coming of the Lord

Here be the \'Benedictus\', here this word