Solar Impulse_1912

My Handbag is a Rucksack / Elegance is an attitude

My handbag is a rucksack
It\'s made for wear and tear

It carries all the books back
When going without I cannot bear

I don\'t even always read them
My days on the road are full

I nevertheless seem to need them
Like a ship needs a treasure in its hull

They lend a sense of security 
And a feeling of home from home

My rucksack carries them easily
Including some heavier tomes

My handbag is a rucksack
Of reliable German make

It gives me a touch of lumberjack 
But it\'s certainly not a mistake

Just try to beat it\'s aptitude 
For most of the situations in life

In Zürichs 47.3.. degrees latitude
It has proved an investment most worthy and wise