

   Addicts injecting, ingesting and inhaling their drugs,

It\'s a dangerous life trying to keep pace with the thugs.


    The addict uses and pays dearly for the sin,

The disease effects all it\'s under his skin.


    The trenches are full of front line soldiers affected by addiction,

The city and the state say it\'s not their jurisdiction.


    Addiction is not a choice that one makes,

They ended up addicts by mistake.


    Addicts are not moral failures,

Their wounded warriors drugs are their inhalers.


    They are not week of character,

Dealing with emotional pain they hit a barrier.


    Addiction is the reaction to emotional pain,

It\'s cradle to grave in the fast lane.


    98% of addicts were harmed when they were young,

They often have mental issues and are high-strung.


    Using drugs is an attempt to deal with the issues,

Without proper guidance the addict continues.


    Something went wrong a long time ago,

From that day on it\'s been touch and go.


    Shame, guilt I must be a bad kid,

When your young the pain stays hid.


    It festers up much later in life,

It effects all, You, your job, your kids and your wife.


    You are not fully aware of this inner shame,

When you figure it out Who\'s to blame.


    You can drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what to do,

You attempt suicide you trying to kill you,

                  THE ADDICT…….
