Kurt Philip Behm

Invisible Ink (+1)

Before the writing,

collecting memories

silent endowments

 pages without lines


Before the writing,

I traveled a dreamer

imagining truant

what tomorrow defines


Before the writing,

the words clouded over

passing in bunches

like birds on the wing


Before the writing,

the wind was my compass

direction e’er changing

intention to sing


Before the writing,

my spirit a bachelor

no phrases to husband

no verses to wed


Before the writing,

immersed in tomorrow

my freedom untethered

—to go where it led


(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)



Autumn Breeze


Memories of a summer day,

chasing colder winds away


Lasting treasures so defined,

lace the corners of my mind


Zephyrs of a distant past,

breath unto my soul’s repast


Every hope and wish redeemed

—melting fast this winter freeze


(First Book Of Prayers: December, 2021)