

A wordsmith without words,

round without barrel,

cartridge ink oozing - without pen,

song sung - never heard,

poem forming inside head,

what is a wordsmith without words?


Twisting chamois inside my head,

squeezing like water out. 

Painful as painful be,

twisty as a twisty thing can be. 


Splish splash splosh,

words spilling out,

falling out scatter gun like,

bouncing - floating - spinning round,

oot me heed spout,

splish splash splosh. 


Twisting chamois inside my head,

squeezing words out,

painful as painful be,

twisty as a twisty thing can be. 


Nowts the bother to them,

getting oot as they do,

escaping skipping and dancing,

leaching and oozing,

yet here I stand  - naked bared,

nowts the bother to them. 


Twisting chamois inside my heed,

squeezing oot words not watter,

painful as painful be,

twisty as a twisty thing can be. 


Ye telt me BOnKers be I,

as words left me be,

empty heed with echos now,

whats left of me?

Fading away - away - away,

BOnKers be I  - maybe. 


Twisting chamois inside my heed,

squeezing tight, droplets fall,

A - B - C what’s left of me,

twisty as a twisty thing can be.