Mind plays it’s own game
the sun sets and rises as it’s own pace
yet why heart feels the time’s running
as if the sand is falling too fast
like the hourglass got infinite holes
mind plays it’s own game
the clock runs at its own pace
yet why heart desires if a second could be a minute
a minute an hour
maybe the deadline’s approaching too fast
while people wish for time to change
stagnant it is
yet heart desires for it to stop
maybe the future is uncertain
who knows what colours it shall paint
maybe present is precious
the heart seems to live in past
yet wishes the future to be delayed
The seconds passed
so did the minutes and hour
and so did the years of pleasant moments
the race was there
so were we
for a moment can you stop please
the good times stop
the bad times run
time are you an archer shooting arrows
arrows of goal
Time are you a knight ?
what is actually time ?
maybe defined by you and me
maybe ancient citizens didn’t care about time ?
time a wanderlust
time a falling sand
time which isn’t in;
In anyone of our hands…..