Charles Edward York

Write Your Verse Out Loud



When defeat beats the crap out of you

Over and over again,

You avoid any pretense

And nonsense about meaning

You say what you really mean.

You abandon the futility of insanity,

Of pain without reason

And let the bandages fall

So blood can write the hurt away.

You stop white washing reality

And bear your soul

Naked and not ashamed.


When poverty doubles down on you

Taste becomes a lost luxury

Only the wealthy can afford.

Bitterness and fatigue

Overwhelm the will of tired feet

And hands so heavy wear out from use.

Sacrifices speak of delays

Satisfaction put aside to pursue

And emptiness ensues without end.

Suddenly silence becomes

A sanctuary and an oasis

Where letting go sets you free.


When you stop giving a damn about it

Approval and conformity

Lose their appeal in favor of solitude.

Owning personal authority

Relieves the tensions outsiders

Bring with false boundaries and words.

You begin to see reality is

A recipe you make your way

And the universe awaits your prose.

Your life pens your own story

Free of quiet regret and apology

So write your verse out loud.


Copyright © 2016 Charles Edward York
* No part of this poem may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the author.*