
A chronic disease


Sometimes i wonder

What we would\'ve been if i tried

If i had tried harder

Do you think we would\'ve still ended up this way


So brokenhearted and crestfallen

It seems as though a chronic illness

Where no matter how much it healed

It would always come back


Relentless pushing and fighting

Both of us unwilling to let go

Of the last string of hope


But as we grasp and dangle in the air on that dainty string

Reality cut it for us


Life is bleak without you

And i dilapidated into something i couldn\'t recognise

It was exhausting to continue on


The fervent desire to start over again

Raided my mind every night


And i’m sorry my love

For what i did to myself

I hope you can understand that

I was desperate to feel something

Other than the pain and thoughts of you


Don’t blame yourself for what i did

It wasn\'t your fault

It will never be your fault.