

    Can you find beauty in things not pleasant to the eyes?

Can you be nice to people you don\'t recognize?


     Can you find sunshine on a rainy day?

Can you remain silent when you have things to say?


     Can you fight when your tired to the bone?

Can you call it quits, leave well enough alone?


     Can you be ok in the lonely moments?

Can you stay strong in the midst of disappointments?


    Can you take it all in stride?

Can you in the face of chaos pocket your pride?


     Can you wear a smile when you want to cry?

Can you be ok in the blink of an eye?


     Can you believe in things you can\'t see?

Can you hear the music if it\'s off key?


     Can you really expect tomorrow to come?

Can you still feel pain when your numb?


     Can you get up and do what needs to be done?

Can you figure out when it\'s time to cut and run?


     Can you still believe when you know there is no way out?

Can your opinion change when you know beyond a shadow of doubt?


     Can you be kind to someone you have taking a dislike to?

Can you help someone out, in worse shape then you?

                            CAN YOU??


                TURBO1904        11/29/2021