
Genuinely Genuine...

Listen here it\'s true what I\'m about to say...

You don\'t have to listen, It\'s still your life, your choice & utterly only your decision...

It doesn\'t matter what\'s what...

Or who\'s who...

Its only matters that your aware of the choices you make, & the steps you take with the people you met & have in your life...

& recognize that some people are fake, & do nothing but take...

I don\'t want you to suffer my same heartbreak...

you can\'t make people care...

You can\'t change what\'s already been imprinted within...

& sometimes its more than heart-breaking, that it\'s so true that caring seems the hardest thing to do...

& truly some people just don\'t care...

& that\'s fine too...

That\'s there choice, not mine, not yours...

I\'m in my own lane making choices to stay & remain on all the good I have become...

Not dis-blame, name or shame because I also know not all people are the same...

And let me tell you that absolutely genuine feel exactly the same as you & me...

Because genuine people are a rarity especially these days...

I\'ve only come across one or two so far in my life & would truly feel blessed if I had a couple more...

For me these days it seems to be people like negatively, madness, trouble & strife...

That\'s why I don\'t fit in with society...

Its not right, & to be totally honest I really don\'t like what I see in this world, my world with society...

But society isn\'t my fight, And if I can do what\'s right, teach not preach...

I\'ll show compassion...

I\'ll be kind...

I\'ll stay genuine for genuine is my kind...

Yes of course I get doubts, & sometimes its hard trying to figure it all out because negative people are everywhere...

With plenty of negatively going spare...

There\'s no air to breathe, No point in complaining...

It\'s just so draining, No oxygen remaining...

sometimes very little faith will knock on my souls door...

But with that in thought...

I don\'t wanna lose what I self taught...

For everything I fault to become...

To love, To laugh, & have fun...

To become someone...

Never to judge no one, block, knock or mock...

To stand out of the crowd, To make god proud...

To let whoever become apart of my flock, even if it means I get bit quite a lot...

That\'s a price I pay everyday because I love & care about everything out there...

Because my world is to share, even to those who don\'t care...

I\'ll give a chance to everybody, anywhere...

I know how scary, cold & lonely this world can be when you have nobody...

Seeing It hurts quite a bit...

But giving, loving & caring is all that I\'ve got...

And despite my struggles I\'ve quite like me & my design...

It\'s worth it all to me...

Being genuine was my key that set me free...

To live & let live also to forgive...

Too be nice, to stay nice is the life I live...

I don\'t wanna be or have a negative impact on the breath given to me...

Happy days, Positive ways, To remain true to me that\'s my solidarity...

That\'s who & what I wanna be...

& what want people in this world to see...