An excited mind
a curious soul
a hearty stomach
a broken heart
a wary body
and an empty pocket
walked as whole
On way to a platform
On way to catch a train
on way to another city
on way to gain another opportunity
on way to overturn the wrongs
on way to fate; doing it’s dance
to watch new scenes
to hear new talks
to view new places
to learn new songs
to speak new languages
to eat different delicacies
to make new friends
to earn dignity
to develop new bonds
to strengthen heart core
to be a part of human library
went on and on
went on and on
went on and on
what did the soul receive?
a revival at peace
a new inside
is it reborn this time
is life wonderful
is life beautiful
will the story be new
there are no heroes and no villains
but only puppeteers on stage
the stage of drama called “world” on play…
the heart broken no more
glued to its core
A chaos outside
a melody inside
hearty it was
hearty it is
marching on its way to world peace….