
Suffering Scene

Tune: Heinlein

(\'Forty days and forty nights\')

Matthew 2 v.1-6 and v.16-21

For Holy Innocents Day: Dec 28.


Holy Innocents were slain

Horror, anguish, torment, pain

All the boys age under two

Massacred, dread sight to view


For King Herod troubled be

When herd of new-born King, see

In Bethlehem, it Jesus

Brings salvation unto us


There the little family

Joseph, Mary, Jesus be

Angel in a dream there warned

Not to turn where evil dawned


But unto Egypt escape

From where jaws of death did gape

Until Herod was dead they

Stayed, remained there night and day


Then was fulfilled prophecy

Of Jeremiah surely

Voices heard, weepings, laments

Hearts and lives with sorrows rent


They wept, would not comforted

Be, for their little boys dead

Lord, help us not complacent

Be, but pursue good intents