Accidental Poet

A letter to God

Dear God,


      Yesterday, my father arrived there in Heaven and I’m sure you’ve made his acquaintance by now. He can be a hard person to ignore. If I may, I’d like to offer clarifications in regard to my dad.

If my dad calls your son’s name in anger, he doesn’t mean it.

If he in any such way appears to not love you, he doesn’t mean it.

Above all else he does love you.

Many times, my father had hurt me emotionally, but I’ve forgiven him. He’s always had good intentions even if they were hard to understand, and I’m asking you to forgive him too.

From my Dad, I’ve learned that not everyone knows how to express their love. And sometimes

love is shown in what we do for each other. This I think was one of my Dad’s greatest gifts.


God, this letter might well be for myself as much as to you.


And one more thing God, if you play golf with my Dad, bring your best game.

You might need it.


Thanks for listening God.