
The Back Closet (True Confessions)

The Back Closet (True Confessions)


Confession is good for the soul they say

And there’s something that I must confess

I don’t have my stuff together alway

In fact I’m often really quite a mess

My relationships aren’t always right

And I don’t always know what to do

I keep my doubts and fears out of sight

‘Cause I don’t want to disappoint you

The house ain’t always as clean as I like

The oil needs changing in both cars

I think I just ran over one of the kids’ bike

And the lids are loose on the jelly jars

I may seem to pull it together some days

Heck fire, sometimes I even fool me

But most often I’m just guessing the ways

To navigate this rough old life’s sea

So that’s why today I must boldly confess

That though it may appear I got her down

The back closet is where I hide the mess

That I’m hoping will never be found