
A disease called overthinking

An over thinker sat on a crouch

looking high up in clouds

is it a mathematical equation

or life posing numerous questions


an over thinker walked amidst the crowds

people chatting by 

he thought he was criticised

they were looking at the streets 

but he thought there were stares all along the streets



An over thinker overheard a conversation

eavesdropping maybe was his nature

he learned some one was sad

someone was fired after gone mad

he wept

he cried

no it wasn’t his job

yet he got connected with the soul


the  over thinker  was advised

to close ears

to close eyes

to shutter the over racing mind


the over thinker replied

my tears can’t elevate the poor soul

my solutions can’t bring a knocking door

the over thinker cried and smiled

a dilemma running over his clueless mind

those with limited thoughts your lucky being your way

while i am overthinking on my way

but in lost humanity i am trying my way……




In deep thoughts

in deep insights

Do you know what did the  over thinker conclude?


take a guess…..



to the closed doors of opportunities 

people say new doors open again

but in my crumbled and jumbled thoughts

a window of world shall open 

not all doors are meant for me

maybe a sympathy and empathy of window is required

a doorbell of understanding

a greet of warmth

a hug of happiness

a smile of cheers

and simple words

”its okay to overthink,

but don’t dwell too much in words

You thought a lot

Now take rest”

with cold air of breathes

I sleep with thoughts and rest