
Pub Folk


Why choose pub folk?

I’ll tell you why,

for in the right places,

they’ll laugh and cry,

when you pour out,

your drink and your plight,

depending on your mood,

they’ll both help and fight,

but at least some company

you will have indeed,

to rub misery away,

they’ll make you happy,

to be, to drink, to belong,

in a merry smelly crowd,

chanting is in session,

they’ll sing your song!


I feel for those who don’t,

venture into a Red Lion,

maybe their family is enough,

but I’m sure they may be lying,

for the same four walls,

can tear at your sanity,

so, why not come out,

live your life to full capacity,

if you’re a tee-totaller,

then we’ll won’t tease,

toast with us; with coffee,

if your heart does; please,

but, through and through,

our family will not provoke,

so, sit with us, and be proud,

to be one with pub folk!